The list below will be updated as soon as more documents get published - could be more soon after the true start of the new Millennium. An asterisk means the paper was presented by me.

CONTENTS: 1990s / 2000 / 2001+

Phillips, Charles O., David Burnham, Leo Jacobs, David Hazen, 1992: 1991 LLWAS Anemometer Test Program. DOT/FAA/W/92-1 (DOT-VNTSC-FAA-92-6).

Kraus, Kenneth A., Robert E. D'Errico and David A. Hazen, 1993: "The Relationship Between Sky Condition and Visibility Parameters from Automated Weather Observing Systems and Manual Observations", Eighth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, Anaheim, CA, January 17-22, pp. 368-372.

D'Errico, Robert E., David A. Hazen, David C. Burnham and Calvin S. Miles, 1995: "Application of Frequency of Occurrence Data Derived from Surface Aviation Observations in the Evaluation of Visibility Sensor Performance", Ninth Conference on Applied Climatology, American Meteorological Society, Dallas, TX, 15-20 January.

D'Errico, Robert E., David A. Hazen, Dr. H. Albert Brown, Steven L. Abramson and Dr. David C. Burnham, 1995: "An Overview of the Analyses of Automated Ceilometer Data Conducted at the Otis Weather Test Facility, Otis Air National Guard Base (ANGB), Falmouth, MA", Ninth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, Charlotte, NC, 27-31 March.

D'Errico, Robert E., David A. Hazen, Dr. H. Albert Brown, Steven L. Abramson and Dr. David C. Burnham, 1997: "Evaluation of Automated Fixed-Base and Tactical Lidar Ceilometers", First Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, CA, 2-7 February.

* Burnham, Dr. David C., Dr. H. Albert Brown and David A. Hazen, 1997: "Evaluation of an Automated Tactical Present Weather Sensor", First Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, CA, 2-7 February.

West, Michael D., John Crovo, David C. Burnham, Leo Jacobs and David A. Hazen, 1997: "Laboratory Simulation of Blowing Snow: Effects on Optical Sensors of RVR System", First Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, CA, 2-7 February.

* Pawlak, R. J., D. C. Burnham and D. A. Hazen, 1998: "Variations in the Fog Response of a Forward Scattermeter as a Function of Wind Direction", Tenth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, AZ 11-16 January.

Seliga, Thomas A., K. A. Kraus, J. F. Canniff and D. A. Hazen, 2000: "Comparisons of Observer Reports of Thunderstorms with Similar Reports Derived from National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) Data", 16th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, CA, 9-14 January.

* David A. Hazen, Robert J. Pawlak, Thomas A. Seliga, and Deborah B. Lawrence, 2001: "Severe winter weather performance of Runway Visual Range (RVR) systems at five Alaskan airports", 11th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, Albuquerque, NM 14-18 January.  [pdf of paper]

Thomas A. Seliga, David A. Hazen, Leo Jacobs and Deborah B. Lawrence, 2001:"Visibility variability at Seattle, WA and Portland, OR: Insights into the impacts of Runway Visual Range (RVR) measurements on aviation operations", 17th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Albuquerque, NM 14-18 January.

* David A. Hazen, Thomas A. Seliga, Leo G. Jacobs and Pamela Narvett, 2002: "Visibility Variability at the Chicage O'Hare Airport: Insights into the Impacts of Runway Visual Range (RVR) Measurements on Aviation Operations", 18th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Orlando, FL 13-17 January.

Thomas Seliga, David A. Hazen, and Cynthia Schauland, 2002:"Comparisons of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flash Data With NEXRAD Inferences on Rainfall as Functions of Longitude and Latitude". Sixth Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, American Meteorological Society, Orlando, FL 13-17 January.

* David A. Hazen, Thomas A. Seliga, Pamela Narvett, and Leo Jacobs, 2002:"Case studies of selected Runway Visual Range (RVR) events at three major US airports". 10th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Portland, OR, 13-16 May.

* Thomas A. Seliga, David A. Hazen and Cynthia Schauland, 2002: "Analysis of lightning cloud-to-ground flash activity for National aviation choke point region studies". 10th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Portland, OR, 13-16 May.

* David A. Hazen, Thomas A. Seliga, Leo G. Jacobs and Deborah B. Lawrence, 2003: "Spatial-temporal behavior of RVR visibility of ILS runways at select major airports". 19th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, CA 9-13 February.

Thomas A. Seliga , David A. Hazen and Cynthia Schauland, 2003: "Thunderstorm characterization derived from cloud to ground lightning flash data based on intercomparisons of Hovm�ller diagrams and spatial density data"19th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, CA 9-13 February.

Thomas A. Seliga, David A. Hazen, and Stephen Burnley, 2004: "Temporal and spatial behavior of visibility obtained from Runway Visual Range (RVR) sensors during snowfall events at several major airports", 20th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, WA 11-15 January.

Thomas A Seliga, and D. A. Hazen, 2004:"The Otis Weather Test Facility at Otis ANGB, Falmouth, MA: An aviation weather resource", 11th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Hyannis, MA, 3-8 October. [Abstract and PDF File]

T. A. Seliga, D. A. Hazen and S. Burnley, 2004:"Homogeneity properties of runway visibility in fog at Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD)", 11th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Hyannis, MA, 3-8 October. [Abstract and PDF File]

T. A. Seliga and D. A. Hazen, 2005:"Thunderstorm nowcasting and climatology using cylindrical coordinate Hovm�ller diagrams: An NLDN application", Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, American Meteorological Society, San Diego, CA, 11-15 January. [Abstract and PDF File]

Thomas A. Seliga, D. A. Hazen and S. Burnley, 2006: "Demonstration of the use of Runway Visual Range (RVR) visibility sensors for estimating snowfall rates throughout the airport domain", 12th Conference on Aviation Range and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, GA, 28 January-2 February. [Abstract and PDF File]

Thomas A. Seliga and D. A. Hazen, 2006: "Evaluation of wind algorithms for reporting wind speed and gust for use in air traffic control towers", 12th Conference on Aviation Range and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, GA, 28 January-2 February. [Abstract and PDF File]

Thomas A. Seliga and D. A. Hazen, 2007: "Evaluation of wind algorithms for reporting wind direction for use in air traffic control towers", 14th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, San Antonio, TX, 14-18 January. [Abstract and PDF File]

Thomas A. Seliga, D. A. Hazen and S. Burnley, 2008: "Statistical characteristics of the wind dependence of snow and freezing fog events at several major airports for improving Runway Visual Range (RVR) performance", 13th Conference on Aviation Range and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, New Orleans, LA, 20-24 January. [Abstract and PDF File]

Thomas A. Seliga, D. A. Hazen and S. Burnley, 2008: "Evaluation of the 2 foot-lambert (fL) dawn and dusk thresholds for Runway Visual Range (RVR) airport applications", 13th Conference on Aviation Range and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, New Orleans, LA, 20-24 January. [Abstract and PDF File]

Thomas A. Seliga, D. A. Hazen and L. Salcedo, 2009: "Evaluation of extinction coefficient algorithms for optimizing reported  visibility conditions for air traffic control applications” 25th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, AZ, 11-15 January. [Abstract and PDF File]

Thomas A. Seliga, D. A. Hazen and L. Salcedo, 2009: “Possible enhancements of airport operations based on Runway Visual Range Visibility Measurements”; Communications, Navigation , Surveillance (CNS) Systems, 28th Digital Aviation Systems Conference (DASC), Orlando, FL, 25-29 October. [Abstract]

Page modified April 24, 2012.

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